Meeting, Dining, and Smiles

There were plenty of smiles to go around when the Restigouche Branch met for their Fall Meeting at one of their favourite places. La Source in Charlo proved once again that it is always a great venue for meeting and dining. And, as always, the staff were very accommodating and the food was delicious.
Members were happy to see that Bob Fitzpatrick had travelled north especially to see them. As he usually does, Bob captured his audience with humour and information they needed to know. Though sad to hear that he would be retiring in the Spring they felt reassured when he reminded them that he would be carrying out his role as Past President and would always be available to answer their questions.
Restigouche Branch President, Randy Hunter, presided over the meeting and was very appreciative of the good turnout. Plans for developing a constitution were discussed, and plans for a Christmas Party were made for Thursday, Dec. 7, 2023 at 5 pm at La Source.