MARTA-Miramichi Branch

Branch Executive

President/NBSRT Director: Charlotte Casey
Vice-President/NBSRT Director: Barb Hondas
Secretary: Mary Tozer
Karen MacDonald

Branch email:

Treasurer: Patsy Kingston
Past President: Grant Hendry
Membership Representative: Rick Hayward
Scholarship & Bursary: Elizabeth Price
Reflections Correspondent: T B A
Communications: Eleanor Watt
Courtesy: Maria Brown
Wellness: Lois Gilliss
Online Media: Andy Clark

Next Branch Election: Spring 2025

Next Branch Election: Spring 2026

Latest Branch News

MARTA Website Update

Check out MARTA’s updated . . .

Scholarships – 2021 Miramichi

2021 Scholarship & Bursary Recipients Miramichi Branch (MARTA) is pleased to announce the 2021 recipients of a $1000 scholarship and five $300 bursaries.

MARTA Middle Island Picnic

MARTA members met on Middle Island . . .

Miramichi Breakfast

Welcome Back Breakfast . . .

Miramichi AGM

Miramichi Branch (MARTA) held its . . .

Happy Easter From MARTA Exec

The MARTA Executive mailed Easter cards to all 250 MARTA Branch members to express Easter greetings, and to touch base during COVID-19 restrictions.  Each card had a hand-written greeting from the Branch President, and a $5 gift card to one of three local coffee cafes...

Miramichi Nature on Canvas

MARTA - As an active teacher, Wendy Matthews used paints with her classes, but it has been since her retirement from teaching that she has grown as a nature artist.  Living beside the North West Miramichi River in a rural setting gives her lots of opportunities to use...

Educator & Conservationist

Retired Miramichi teacher and NBSRT/MARTA member, Grant Hendry, was honored recently by the Northumberland Salmon Protection Association and Miramichi Salmon Association for his leadership and contributions to the Fish Friends Program presented in Miramichi area...

MARTA – The Early Years

The Miramichi Area Retired Teachers' Association (MARTA) dates back to 1976 when a group of retired teachers was encouraged to organize Miramichi retirees into a branch of the newly formed New Brunswick Society of Retired Teachers (NBSRT).  Those early years were...

Miramichi takes a boat ride

In the days before COVID-19, MARTA members enjoyed lots of social activities including craft sales, pot lucks, bowling afternoons, dinners, and bus trips.One of the most enjoyable was time spent with some Bathurst Branch members cruising on Miramichi River...

Branch Photo Gallery