NBSRT Executive

Bob Fitzpatrick

ROD CAMPBELL – President

Rod Campbell began his teaching career at Sussex High School where he taught Social Studies and History.  He worked for 14 years at the NBTA as the Director of Professional Development, and as the Director of Communication and Research.

After retiring from the NBTA, Rod went to UNB to lead the New Brunswick Centre for Educational Administration where he created programs to help prepare teachers to become educational leaders.  Rod continued to work parttime at UNB until 2020, in Trinidad and Tobago, where he helped to establish a B.Ed. Program for Trinidad and Tobago teachers.

For the past six years, Rod has served on the Executive of Central Branch, as V-P, President and Past President. He Chaired the AGM in Fredericton in 2023 and serves on the Provincial Membership Committee. Under his leadership, Central Branch has added more than 120 members, initiated a “Learning to Live” series of sessions and had numerous social activities.

Rod believes NBSRT should play an active role in support of Public Education and be a strong voice representing the needs of retired teachers.

LUCY McLAUGHLIN – First Vice President

Lucy was born in Fort Fairfield, Maine, USA, but grew up and graduated from Polyvalente Thomas Albert in Grand Falls, NB. After high school, she attended UNB and obtained her B.ED. Her first teaching assignment was at Miramichi Valley High School in Newcastle, NB. Within those 22 years at MVHS, she obtained her DAUS and her M.ED.  Lucy also served the local branch of the NBTA and the subject councils of Business, Guidance and High School. She concluded her 29 years of teaching at Southern Victoria High School in Perth-Andover, NB.

Lucy’s interests include golfing, snowshoeing, pickleball, quilting and reading.  She enjoys time with family and friends.

Currently, Lucy is the President of Victoria-Tobique Branch.  She also sits on the Wellness and Scholarship committees of the NBSRT.  She looks forward to further serving the NBSRT as your 1st Vice-President.

Noreen Bonnell
BOB Fitzpatrick

LYNN COY – Second Vice President

Lynn graduated from Teachers’ College in Fredericton in 1972 and immediately obtained a teaching position at Chipman Elementary.  She ultimately earned a BA and B.Ed. from the University of New Brunswick.  Her teaching career saw her move from Chipman to Quispamsis and finally to Moncton in 1988.

Retiring in 2005 with 32 years of teaching experience, Lynn joined the Greater Moncton Association of Retired Teachers. Over the ensuing years, Lynn has taken a very active role in GMART.  Currently, she is the Bursary Committee Chair, the Social Committee Chair, Branch Correspondent for Reflections, and a member of the Communications Committee.

Provincially, Lynn was a member of the NBSRT AGM 2018 Organizing Committee as the AGM was hosted by GMART.  It was with great pleasure that Lynn was a member of the NBSRT Scholarship Ad Hoc Committee in 2018 and appointed Co-chair of the NBSRT Scholarship and Bursary Committee in 2019, a position she continues to hold.

RONA HOWALD – Recording Secretary

A life-long learner, Rona attended New Brunswick Teachers College, and later UNB (BT), and later earned a DAUS from McGill and later still, an MEd from Acadia.  She spent over 34 years teaching in the schools of the Kennebecasis Valley and being involved with the NBTA, locally serving on the Branch PD Committee as Secretary, Treasurer, and Co-chair, and as Branch President and Past president.  Rona served provincially as the Elementary Council President.

As a member of the New Brunswick Society of Retired Teachers, Rona has served as KCRTA Branch President and Branch Director, and has served/or is serving on the NBSRT Pension Committee, the Group Insurance Committee, and the ad hoc Policy and Procedures Committee.  She has found serving on NBSRT committees to be most informative about the Society.

Since retirement, she has travelled across Canada, visited many states in the United States and journeyed to the continents of Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa. She has volunteered with charitable organizations and non-profits even teaching an English summer program in Ningbo, China.


Picture of a woman
Barry Harbinson


Barry attended UNB, graduating with a B Ed.  He started his teaching career at King’s s Landing with the Visiting Cousins Program in a one room school house.  The transition from the one room school to Saint John High School was a bit traumatic but he survived. Thirty three years of teaching, and working in administration, convinced him of retirement benefits.

Barry has served as the NBSRT Treasurer since 2021. Because he assumed this role after being on the Provincial Executive as Second Vice-President and serving on various NBSRT Committees, he is quite familiar with the corporate knowledge and goals of our organization. Barry has said, “As treasurer however, my focus is on being fiscally transparent, assuring your money was handled in a prudent and responsible manner, ensuring credits and expenses were processed in a timely fashion and creating documentation that was easy to comprehend”.

Besides being NBSRT Second Vice President and Treasurer, he has chaired the Provincial Pension Committee and has served in numerous executive positions in NBSRT SJ since his retirement in 2008.  He has chaired  NBSRT AGM Planning Committees in 2011, the aborted COVID 2020 attempt, and 2024.

BOB FITZPATRICK – Past President

Bob Fitzpatrick served as NBSRT President from 2020 to 2024 during the most stressful times of the Covid Pandemic.  Although restrictions applied to travel and attendance in the branches, Bob initiated a series of province-wide video conferences that kept the NBSRT funtioning effectively when most organizations failed to do so.  He was responsible for an 8-part Strategic Plan for the NBSRT and managed to implement polices that will have positive effects for years to come.  One of Bob’s priorities was to increase the membership numbers of the NBSRT, and he successfully introduced strategies to accomplish that goal.  Aside from his extensive experience and knowledge, Bob has been so successful in his many roles because he is able to make every person he comes in contact with feel valued and appreciated.

Bob was born in Chatham, NB and served 17 years in Miramichi schools, two years as NBTA President, and 16 years as Executive Director of the NBTA.  Currently, he serves as a Trustee on the Teachers’ Pension Plan, and is on the audit committee of the NBTA Credit Union.

June MacNairn

BARBARA HONDAS – Membership Secretary

Barb brings a wealth of training and background as an ex-officio member of the Executive .  A graduate of St Francis Xavier University and Acadia University, she spent her professional teaching career at Miramichi’s Napan Elementary, where she taught Kindergarten, before becoming the principal of the school for 22 years.  She retired in 2021.

 In her capacities as a classroom teacher and as an administrator, Barb was highly respected by her colleagues, students, and parents due to her quiet leadership and commitment, collaborative approach, personal integrity and congenial nature.  Since her retirement, she has become an active member of her local NBSRT branch (Miramichi) where she currently also serves as Vice President.

Barb lives with her husband, Jim, in the former Town of Chatham, City of Miramichi.