Charlotte Branch

Branch Executive

President/Director: Ghislaine Wheaton

1st Vice-President: Phil Chisholm

2nd Vice-President: Tim Stuart

Branch email:


Secretary: Nadine Holmes

Treasurer: Lynn Farmakoulas

Past President/Director: Tom Hendershot

Next Election
Spring 2024

Latest Branch News

Centenarian Passes Away

NBSRT Past President and Honorary Member Marjorie Caldwell has passed away at the age of 103 after a 48-year teaching career, two terms as President of the Charlotte Branch (1986-1987 and 1987-1988), and two years as President of the Provincial NBSRT (1992-1994). She was always an active local branch member and served on many committees, including the planning committee for the Charlotte Branch Biennial as late as

Dessert Challenge

When Charlotte Branch has a get-together, there’s no shortage of desserts.  Whether its an example of the NBCC St Andrews Culinary Tech and Hospitality Class’ fine cuisine, the Kingsbrae Gardens' dessert buffet bar, or the cozy recipes from Dominion Hill Country Inn’s...

Getting Here From There

Do you find it hard to get to an NBSRT meeting?  If you live on Deer Island, Campobello, or Grand Manan that’s perfectly understandable.  In most cases, getting to mainland New Brunswick involves travelling on ferries that are affected by wind, weather, and tides.  If...

Branch Photo Gallery