
Centenarian Passes Away

Marjorie Caldwell

NBSRT Past President and Honorary Member Marjorie Caldwell has passed away at the age of 103 after a 48-year teaching career, two terms as President of the Charlotte Branch (1986-1987 and 1987-1988), and two years as President of the Provincial NBSRT (1992-1994). She was always an active local branch member and served on many committees, including the planning committee for the Charlotte Branch Biennial as late as 2003.
Rumor has it that she drove herself to her hair appointments up until age 100. Marjorie was known for saying …”You shouldn’t just sit around”.

Full Obituary Here

1 Comment

  1. Ghislaine Wheaton

    I first met Marjorie in the early 70’s when I did a bit of supply teaching. She was teaching grade two at the time. I had the opportunity to sit in one of her classes. She certainly had the children’s attention.

    When she entered the staffroom, laughter was soon to erupt. She had numerous tricks up her sleeves.

    She was one of the most caring persons that I have known. Always willing to lend a helping hand.

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