
From The President – April 2023

It’s a busy time of year so please bear with me as I bring you up to date on a number of important items.

NBTA/NBTF Campaign – The NBSRT Executive passed a motion at their April 11th meeting to support the NBTA/NBTF campaign to raise awareness of unsatisfactory contract negotiations and to encourage government to provide adequate resources to an education system that is squeezed to the limit. NBSRT is sending an email to all of our members to pass along the information provided by NBTF concerning bargaining and the campaign. We encourage you to do whatever you feel comfortable doing to support teachers and education and the NBTF campaign.

Please follow us on any of our social media platforms for more information and check our Facebook page regularly for updates and location and timing of teacher gatherings. We have been invited to take part in the rallies.

Estate Planning Webinar – As many of you know NBSRT provided a free webinar on estate planning back on February 15th.  I can’t remember anything that has been better received by people who joined us that evening or who have taken advantage of the recording on You Tube. If you weren’t able to view it yet, I encourage you to do so. It is only an hour long but manages to cover many topics related to wills, executors, powers of attorney and financial matters related to your estate. Click on this link: https://youtu.be/FCGn5Xdry34 If you are like me, you will want to watch it multiple times.

Also available on our website is a document suggesting steps to take to get your Estate planning in order and what to do in the event you are responsible to look after the estate of a teacher. Click on this link: A Generic Guide To Preparing And Activating a Departure Plan

AGM 2023 – A reminder that the NBSRT AGM will be held on May 9th and 10th at the Radisson Kingswood Hotel in Fredericton. The Organizing Committee has planned exciting tours and activities for the afternoon of the 9th and a social that evening, and then the AGM Meeting will be held at the Radisson on the 10th. All members may attend the activities and/or the AGM. Click on this link for registration information: https://nbsrt.org/events-registration-agm/

Apologies – I made an error that I want to sincerely apologize for before many of you see it. In the most recent issue of Reflections I was mentioning some of the NBTA past presidents and referred to Brian Bawn as Brian Brawn. It was a result of my terrible keyboarding skills and then it was compounded by my shoddy proofreading. Brian was  a very good friend and his name is forever etched in my memory so the error is very disappointing. My apologies to all of his family and friends. Lesson learned – proofread and proofread again.
While I am at it, I want to say sorry to the NBTA Presidents I didn’t mention in the message. I was not trying to be inclusive of everyone but using a few Presidents as representative of all. I have known every NBTA President since Tom Trafford became NBTA’s  first full time president and have the utmost respect for everyone of them. Every President had their own list of issues and challenges and everyone of them handled the issues of the day with courage and skill. I firmly believe that NBTA was lucky enough to always get the perfect President for the time and the specific issues of the day. To prove it, treat yourself to a walk down memory lane and go on You Tube again and search for “Forty Years of NBTA Presidents”. It will bring back some wonderful memories and remind you of some incredibly dedicated and committed people.
Forty Years of NBTA Presidents – Part 1
Forty Years of NBTA Presidents – Part 2

Take care of yourself and stay safe.


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