
From The President – February 2023

Bob Fitzpatrick

I have been saving this message until a couple of things came together. Now I can tell you that I am very excited about a few things, and I would like you to spread the word about them.

First- I have just come from a meeting of the AGM’23 Fredericton Organizing Committee. My first impression was amazement that we have twenty or so  volunteers meeting at the end of January to plan our AGM. But even more impressive was their obvious commitment to pick up the torch from Woodstock AGM’22 and make this year an equally outstanding experience for all participants. All of you who attend this AGM and/or the pre-conference activities will be treated to some very special events.

First- I have just come from a meeting of the AGM’23 Fredericton Organizing Committee. My first impression was amazement that we have twenty or so  volunteers meeting at the end of January to plan our AGM. But even more impressive was their obvious commitment to pick up the torch from Woodstock AGM’22 and make this year an equally outstanding experience for all participants. All of you who attend this AGM and/or the pre-conference activities will be treated to some very special events.

The program will start on May 9th with a choice of tours including, the refurbished Beaverbrook Art Gallery, the School Days Museum or the Wabanaki Tree Spirit Tour through Odell Park. These opportunities will be followed by everyone coming together for a tour of the Hanwell Park Academy, a brand new, state of the art, K-8 school. Following the tour of the school, our Wellness Committee is putting on a program called “Learn the Basics”, where participants can join basic sessions on Pickleball, Art, Trail Walks and Diet and Nutrition. We aren’t done yet! There will be a social and dance that evening at the host hotel, the Radisson Kingswood Hotel and Suites. And then of course we have our AGM on the 10th at the Radisson, where I will do my best to keep it light and informative and maybe even enjoyable. Watch for registration information and all the details on our website nbsrt.org and in Reflections. (Remember any member may attend and participate in the AGM.)

Second – We have just finalized details for our first webinar of the year. On the evening of February 15th from 7-8 PM we will be offering a webinar on Estate Planning. I am really excited to tell you we have two great resource people for the evening. The first half hour will be presented by Jodi Lee-White, a Fredericton area lawyer  who specializes in “Wills for the Unwilling”. She will present some of the things we all need to know about wills for 15-20 minutes and then she will respond to your questions. And the second half of the evening will be presented by Dave Gorman of Dave Gorman Financial Strategies. Dave will talk about what we need to know to best position ourselves to use and protect our assets as we get older. His presentation’s title is “We only Die Once. Try and Get it Right”. He will also leave time for your questions.

We encourage you to attend and invite a guest. Your guest could be a spouse or neighbour or ideally another retired teacher who is not yet a member. This will be a good icebreaker for you to invite them to join.  More details on our website nbsrt.org.

Finally, if you are reading this, you already know about our social media and obviously visit our website at least occasionally. I am so proud of the Online Media Committee and the work they do for us on the Website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram but I would love to see more members visit our sites on a more regular basis to keep up with the news and to enjoy the information, contests and games provided.

Please do yourself and your friends a favour and use, and encourage the use of, all of our social media platforms.  We’d love to read your comments on posted material too!    

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  1. Joe

    Thanks Bob , kind regards Joe.

    • Bob Fitzpatrick

      Good to hear from you Joe.

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