
With Regret

Paulette Moore
It was with regret that NBSRT accepted the resignation of Treasurer Paulette Moore at the 2021 Annual General Meeting on May 11th.  Paulette has served with distinction as Treasurer since she was first elected to that office, by a wide margin, in 2018.  In her remarks to the AGM, Paulette expressed her sadness at leaving office before her term is up in 2022.  She said her main focus now has to be on regaining her health, after a year of challenges that included a lengthy hospital stay.  She is looking forward to enjoying life as her health steadily improves without the financial management responsibilities associated with the office of NBSRT Treasurer.

Barry Harbinson, Saint John Branch, has graciously agreed to complete Paulette’s term of office  as NBSRT Treasurer.


1 Comment

  1. Richard Walsh

    Best wishes fop a speedy recovery Paulette!

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