
Wellness Takes Many Forms

February 2022 Wellness Challenge

Hard to believe but we have now reached the second month of 2022.  The winter is now in full swing, the NBSRT wellness team encourages you to put your best foot forward as we begin this month. 

Here are another 5 challenges for the purpose of promoting the personal wellness of our membership.  We are now in month 6 of our wellness challenges, please  consider attempting as many of the below challenges or create your own.  You are asked to keep a personal record  and let us know how you are doing as you follow your 2021-22 wellness journey.  Take care and take stock on how your wellness plan is going.

  1. When exercising, use the ‘talk test’.  This helps to remind you that you may be working out too strenuously.  If you can respond to conversation, your intensity level should be just about correct.

2.  Take the stairs any opportunity it presents itself.

3.  Don’t let the weather stop you from getting outside.  Go for a walk, snowshoe, ski etc.  

4.  If you have not done so, add “nuts” to your diet.  Studies indicate that individuals who regularly eat nuts (i.e. walnuts, almonds) cut the risk of heart disease significantly.

5.  Make a list of as many ‘positive’ words possible that begin with the letter “F” for February.  Here is your first one….Family

Bonus: How is your personal reading going?  We would love to know about your favorite books.  How well do you know yourself, complete the ‘getting to know you’ document – you may surprise yourself.

Ongoing challenge: *If you have not started this one, now is the time. *Take a photo of a landmark (tree, scenery, etc) on the same day each month for the next 6 months*  send to us in June 2022 Good Luck with your wellness challenges. 

Diane Nealis' horse

Diane Nealis from Central sent in the photo of her horse.  Diane spends special time with her every day.  Thanks, Diane. 

Send your comments/thoughts.

Garth Wade NBSRT Wellness


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