
Stepping Up For My NB

Through the program Stepping up for my New Brunswick, members of the public had until the end of the year 2020 to nominate individuals they felt had stepped up in various and meaningful ways to minimize the impact of the pandemic in the province.

A total of 89 New Brunswickers have been recognized for their exemplary acts of service.

“Over the course of the year, New Brunswickers have demonstrated resilience, leadership, generosity and support for one another,” said Premier Blaine Higgs. “From all regions of New Brunswick, individuals went above and beyond, for their neighbours, friends, family members and their communities.  On behalf of all New Brunswickers, it’s with great honour and admiration, that I sincerely thank each of the individuals who have been stepping up for our province, as well as the people who submitted their nominations.” 
SOURCE: https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/corporate/promo/covid-19/nbrecipient.html

Two of The Honorees

Burpee Wagner (Branch: Victoria-Tobique)
Mr. Wagner volunteers for organizations such as the Elks, Legion, Rotary, Masonic and Trinity Anglican, and was a great support to his neighbours and friends throughout the pandemic. He was recognized for his volunteerism, kindness, generosity and leadership.




Nancy Pipes (Branch: GMART)
Ms. Pipes was recognized for her tremendous effort in sewing nearly 1,900 masks which were distributed to almost every province and territory in our country.


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