5 Wellness Challenges for the Month of October
As another month of the 2021-22 school year approaches, the NBSRT wellness team is excited to forward to you another 5 challenges for the purpose to promote the personal wellness of our membership. We are now in month 2 of our wellness challenges, please consider attempting as many of the below challenges or create your own. You are asked to keep a personal record and let us know how you are doing as you follow your 2021-22 wellness journey.
1. Take a walk and identify 5 different trees by their leaves.
2. Make an apple or pumpkin pie. Make sure you enjoy eating and sharing it as well.
3. Fill up one bag of returnables or reusables.
4. Create and take a photo of you in a Halloween costume.
5. Exercise (your choice) – Dance for 10-15 minutes, 2-3 X a week.
Ongoing challenge: *If you have not started this one, now is a great time. *Take a photo of a landmark (tree, scenery, etc) on the same day each month for the next 9 months* send to us in June 2022 Good Luck with your first month of wellness challenges. Send your comments/thoughts.
Garth Wade NBSRT Wellness