
Early Schools of Kings County

DID YOU KNOW …. that in 1985 The King’s County Retired Teachers Association (KCRTA) published a book entitled Early Schools of King’s County which was printed in Sussex, NB at Royal Printing Ltd? It was made possible through a generous grant from New Horizons and discusses all the schools scattered throughout the county, in particular the one-room schoolhouses. A member of our present KCRTA executive has been loaned the book belonging to Mr. Ken Newell (one of the retirees who worked on the book), and he has given permission for excerpts to be copied and shared with NBSRT members in Reflections. Check out the next issue of Reflections to see this excerpt. It is a fascinating book of local history. You may want to find a copy to read in its entirety!

Original light blue trade paperback. Some underlining of teachers’ names. Foldout map in back shows school locations. 180 schools listed, with information arranged by parishes, which are indexed. An informative, sometimes amusing group of reports submitted by various former teachers, based largely on their personal experience and recollection. Lots of substantial “nuts and bolts” information on construction costs, pupil counts, and personnel. I enjoyed the extras, such as the fact that at least one school had an outdoor toilet for both boys and girls, the dividing wall of which suffered frequent tiny holes bored by two-legged peepers. Wood heating stoves and kerosene lamps were universal, and older students attended only when farm work was slack.

 272 pp. of memories and history. Scarce.

From a review by Dave Shoots, Booksellerhttps://www.daveshootsbookseller.com/


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