
Zoom in the Sun

HELLO!  I work for the UNB CELLab, which leads leads the free exercise program for adults aged 50+ called Zoomers on the Go.

This program is a free, peer-led, volunteer-based exercise program delivered in 12-week intervals. Leaders in this program are volunteers, 50 years or older, in the community that receive training through Fitness New Brunswick.

Currently, there are participants in various places around New Brunswick, such as Fredericton, Saint John, Moncton, Dieppe, Campbellton, Caraquet, Miramichi, and many more. We also have leaders in many locations such as Nackawic, Perth-Andover, Saint Stephen, Boiestown, Woodstock, and many others.

To attempt to expand Zoomers on the Go through NB, we are planning a 2-week event called Zoom in the Sun. We are travelling to various places around New Brunswick from August 1st to August 15th to celebrate the program, leaders, and participants. This event will consist of a free one-hour exercise session, to try out the Zoomers on the Go program. We are hosting at 19 locations around New Brunswick for the exercise sessions, as well as offering French and English online classes.

Find out where and when sessions are available in your area – Click HERE

Thank you in advance and I look forward to hearing back from you. Cheers,

Martine Girard 
UNB CELLab Research Assistant
CELLab Phone: 506-458-7034


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