
Wellness Thought #3

During this struggling time, this is how I now read to my 1 year old grandson”.
Submitted by: Garth Wade (Central)
Using technology to adapt and overcome.

1 Comment

  1. Garth Wade

    Sharing a comment from one of our NBSRT members on the wellness article in reflections.. “One Day or Day One” Thanks so much.

    “Just writing to let you know I was inspired by your article. I appreciate your details in your exercise program and am motivated by the “one day or day one” mantra. I am not a person of routines. My day goes at it happens. However, I do try to include exercise in each day and feel good when I do. I am quite an active person, curl, snowshoe, x-country ski several times per week in winter and golf, kayak, hike in summer as well as walk/run almost every day – just 3 – 5 km. I am not a fitness nut (although I do wear a Fitbit for motivation); I just want to stay healthy.

    I would like to share with you an idea about exercise that I have seldom read about but that I believe is important as we age, hoping you can find an avenue to share and expand on with others in our age category.

    Retirement should not be a time when we become best friends with the rocking chair (couch/TV) while we can now maybe afford to have someone else do our “heavy” work. I have never shied away from physical labor. I grew up on a farm where I learned to work – hard, and I believe it has paid off. I am close to 70 and feel very fortunate to be in good health. Now I carry groceries up the stairs to the fourth floor of an apartment building. I always choose stairs over elevators or escalators. I don’t hesitate to shovel snow, sometimes lots. I do not pay for someone else to do any of my in-home cleaning, gardening or yardwork; in fact I do that also for my neighbours. I carry my luggage when travelling as opposed to using the wheels on the suitcase. ( I do travel lighter than many travelers around me.) When I take someone to appointments and have to wait for them (anywhere from three minutes to an hour or more), I dress for the weather and walk while waiting instead of sitting in the car. There is always good walking space around the edges of parking lots. Airports (when we can use them again) are also great places for walking. When I meet with friends, we often meet on the walking trails rather than at restaurants. Being active isn’t hard if we just think about doing the things that need to get done on our feet rather than on our butts.

    Thanks for the opportunity to share my thoughts on exercise.”
    *submitter asked not to be identified.

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