
Wellness – December 2021 Challenge

Final month of 2021 has arrived, the NBSRT wellness team is excited to forward to you another 5 challenges for the purpose to promote the personal wellness of our membership.  We are now in month 4 of our wellness challenges, please  consider attempting as many of the below challenges or create your own.  You are asked to keep a personal record  and let us know how you are doing as you follow your 2021-22 wellness journey.

1.  Create your list and send Holiday wish cards to family and friends, virtually or by mail.
2.  Find a piece of holiday music that you listened to as a child, sit back, grab a cup of tea/coffee and reminisce. 
3.  Dig out your skis (down-hill or cross country), snowshoes and get them ready for action.
4.  Wear your favourite holiday sweater on December 22 (all day!) – take a photo and share with us.
5.  Enjoy that special treat anytime during the month.  Don’t forget to share with friends and family..

Bonus: Hey, how is it going with that book?  If you haven’t selected one – get on it.  Let us know what you are reading.

Ongoing challenge: *If you have not started this one, now is always a great time. *Take a photo of a landmark (tree, scenery, etc) on the same day each month for the next 7 months*  send to us in June 2022 Good Luck with your wellness challenges.  Send your comments/thoughts.

Garth Wade NBSRT Wellness


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