
From The President – Nov 2022

Some Random Thoughts

Board of Directors

We held our NBSRT Board meeting on Oct. 24th and I have to tell you how impressed I am with this group. The Board is composed of your Branch Presidents, a Director from each Branch, the Executive and the chairs of each of our committees. Everyone was in attendance except for a couple of people who were ill, and everyone submitted their reports on time and participated. We discussed the strategic plan, the need to grow our membership, pension news, group insurance plans, the amazing things Branches are doing to engage and entertain their members, and  many other topics. But the most impressive thing for me is the willingness of all of these retired teachers to give up their time to represent you, our members. Thanks to all of them.

Federation Appointments

The NBTF has announced two appointments of our members to important roles.

  1. Group Insurance – Dale MacRae, our Chair of the Online Media Committee, past executive member, and Honourary Life Member, for his outstanding contributions to NBSRT, was appointed to the Group Insurance Trustees. Dale was a trustee as an active teacher rep years ago, so he comes to the trustees with some valuable experience. We are confident he will effectively express the concerns and expectations of retired teachers while fairly representing all participants in the plan.

  2. Pension Trustees – After serving as an observer, I have been named to replace Mike Springer on the NB Teachers’ Pension Plan Trustees. Mike decided to step down after serving as a trustee since 2014. Mike brought his tremendous pension and financial experience to the role and was an outstanding trustee. I will do my best to make the trustees aware of retired teacher issues while realizing my fiduciary responsibility is to the plan and all members active and retired.

Online Media

If you are reading this you already know about and make use of our online media platform(s). The Online Media Committee has done a fantastic job of updating our platforms and keeping them up-to-date with interesting news, contests, profiles, and a little bit of something for everyone. There is a lot of good work being done behind the scenes, so we invite you to take advantage of it by not only visiting the sites but by interacting with them. We love to hear your comments and we learn and adjust from what you tell us. Please tell your friends to do themselves a favour and check out our different platforms.

Online Platforms (Click on the link)

NBSRT Website – Public Access

NBSRT Facebook Group – Private “Member Only” Access

NBSRT Facebook Page – Public Access

NBSRT Twitter Account – Public Access

NBSRT Instagram Account – Public Access

Loss and Life

I have lost a couple of friends recently and have more friends and family who are ill. The loss always hurts but I‘ve been trying to see the positive side of having known so many wonderful people over my career and life. Like so many of you, I try to put things in perspective, and try to keep a positive attitude, and thank God or good fortune or whatever you believe in that I have made it to this point. But we still miss the ones we lose, and we still feel awful for the ones who are suffering. I guess all we can do is be supportive of the people in our lives and help whenever and however we can.

Please go out and do something good for yourself and/or for someone else. Keep a positive attitude and thank the people who are supporting you.

Sorry for the little sermon but it is just the mood I’m in this morning. I am sad to see friends go but I’m also happy for all the good people still around me.

Please take care of yourselves and others.


Download This Message:
President’s Message – Nov 2022

President’s Message – Aug 2022
President’s Message – Mar 2022
President’s Message – Jan 2022
President’s Message – Sept 2021
President’s Message – June 2021
President’s Message – April 2021
President’s Message – Feb 2021
President’s Message – Dec 2020
President’s Message – Oct 2020
President’s Message – Sept 2020


  1. Richard Frederick Walsh

    As always Bob you send a message that contains wisdom from the experiences you have had in your career and life. Thank you for representing us so eloquently and professionally all these years. I especially like your words of wisdom on the passing of so many of our colleagues and friends. Keeping positive and supportive during these times is key. I do thank God for His blessings every day.

    • Bob Fitzpatrick

      Thanks Richard

  2. Marian Humphrey

    Thanks Bob for keeping us informed, up front and centre. Especially appreciate that you have put the active links to our online platforms as part of your message right there on the front page.

    • Bob Fitzpatrick

      Thanks Marian. All of you work so hard on our social media it is the least I can do.
      Thanks for all of your work.

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