Greater Moncton Association of Retired Teachers
Bursary Recipients 2024
It was with great pleasure that the Greater Moncton Association of Retired Teachers presented $500 bursaries to four deserving Grade 12 graduates at their respective graduation ceremonies in June, 2024. We wish the following students all the best as they continue their educational journey:
Hannah Gallagher, a graduate of Bernice MacNaughton High School who will be pursuing a Bachelor of Science at Mount Allison University.
Claire Legere, a graduate Riverview High School who will be Pursuing a Bachelor of Engineering at Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Alex Melendy, a graduate of Bernice MacNaughton High School who will be pursuing a Bachelor of Commerce at Saint Mary’s University.
Adrianna Platis, a graduate of Moncton High School who will be pursuing a Bachelor of Science at the University of Prince Edward Island.