
Words For 2021

Jan 8, 2021 | Branches, Wellness News | 2 comments

“Words for 2021”
As we begin 2021, NBSRT Wellness would like for you to consider some positive words and make an effort to place them into your vocabulary and daily routines.  Select the ones that connect with you and perhaps challenge yourself to pick one or more that may be a challenge. Let us know how it went.
Word Cloud Vocabulary ….


Shine; Laugh; Live; Love; Grace; Grow; Focus; Bold; Family; Connect; Believe; Hope; Mindful; Me; Calm; Balance; Happy; Grateful; Kind; Create; Forgive; Breathe; Timely; Conquer; Slow; Leap; Adventure; Accomplish; Intentional; Cherish; Change; Explore; Imagine; Wanderlust; Save; Organize; Streamline; Simplify; Sparkle; Dazzle; Plan; Clarity; Emerge; Ignite; Colour; Brave; Strong; Learn; Achieve; Gentle; Faith

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  1. Garth Wade

    The following is from Carolyn Brown as influenced by the ‘words’….it is from a mini-poster she sent in.

    “I’d like to cancel my subscription to 2021. I’ve experienced the free 7 day trial and I’m not interested.”

    thanks for this, Carolyn, certainly not a great start to 2021 but hopefully things will look up.

  2. Garth Wade

    The following is from Kaye Lister (NBSRT-Central) taking the ‘words’ and placing into her context:
    “A retired teacher, although a stranger to me, saw my name in ‘Reflections’ and since my married name was the same as hers, she was wondering if there might be any connection between our two families or if I might know names of any relatives to add to her family tree. So I decided to explore through Ancestry.ca hoping to connect the two families in some way. Being mindful of the fact that there are hundreds of families having that same surname, I carefully focused on birth dates, being sure to organize any findings and save them to add to the finished document. I am happy to say, that even though I found no connection between our two families, I was able to accomplish part of which I had set out to do — hoping to find more names to add to her list of ancestors. I did make one error, certainly not intentional, but after asking forgiveness I quickly made the needed change and continued my research. I am pleased to say that I did achieve even more than what I had hoped for or even imagined I’d find. I believe my findings were of some use to my new friend, as she responded, saying how grateful she was and that her family tree is now more organized and complete.” thanks, Kaye

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