
Wellness – November Challenge

Oct 27, 2021 | Wellness News | 0 comments

5 Wellness Challenges for the Month of November

Who do I call to whine? Luckett wine vineyard, Wolfville, Nova Scotia

Another month of the 2021-22 school year approaches, the NBSRT wellness team is excited to forward to you another 5 challenges for the purpose to promote the personal wellness of our membership.  We are now in month 3 of our wellness challenges, please  consider attempting as many of the below challenges or create your own.  You are asked to keep a personal record  and let us know how you are doing as you follow your 2021-22 wellness journey.

1.  Attend in person or virtually, a Remembrance Day Ceremony.
2.  Find and create a favourite soup recipe. Share the recipe with us!
3.  Finish up raking leaves that have fallen in your yard (or in a friends).
4.  Write a note to connect with a friend or family member via postcard or letter.
5.  Get your winter tires on your vehicle before month’s end.

Bonus: Find and begin reading a book that interests you.  (let us know the title so we can share with our members)

Ongoing challenge: *If you have not started this one, now is always a great time. *Take a photo of a landmark (tree, scenery, etc) on the same day each month for the next 8 months*  send to us in June 2022 Good Luck with your wellness challenges.  Send your comments/thoughts.

Garth Wade NBSRT Wellness

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