
Restigouche Branch

Branch Executive

President/NBSRT Director: Randy Hunter

Secretary: Heather Ross

Branch email: restigouche.branch@nbsrt.org



Vice-President/NBSRT Director: Allan Hayes

Treasurer: Pam Duncan

Membership – Sec: Micheline Daye

Wellness Rep: Janet Cooper


Next Election:
Spring 2025

Latest Branch News

Restigouche Meets Spring with Anticipation of Christmas

Restigouche Spring Meeting 2024 Restigouche Retired Teachers held their Spring Meeting on May 16, 2024 at the Legion in the community of Jacquet River, located in the far eastern end of our Branch.  Thank you to Allan & Theresa Hayes for organizing this...

Solstice In Restigouche


Restigouche Branch Celebrates

NBSRT Pizza Delivery

Restigouche Meets


Saint Patrick’s Day in Restigouche

Restigouche Branch Celebrates St. Patrick’s Day

Face-to-Face in Restigouche

For the first time in three years . . .

Restigouche Celebrates Newly Retired Teachers

Restigouche celebrates newly retired teachers . . .

Restigouche Final Draw

And the Winners Are . . .

Restigouche April Winners

Find out this month’s winners

Branch Photo Gallery

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