
From The (Past)President June 2024

Jun 12, 2024 | Notice | 0 comments

Past President’s Message

“That’s All Folks”

As of June 1st, NBSRT is in the capable hands of President Rod Campbell; however I simply could not leave without one last President’s Message to say goodbye.

It has been a pleasure and an honour to serve as your President for the last four years. The first two years were weird and seemed largely uneventful due to the limitations imposed by the pandemic. We were able to get the groundwork done on our strategic plan, and we maintained our membership and managed to get more funds distributed to our Branches, but it was difficult to establish any real momentum.

We really started accomplishing things in the last two years. By “we” I mean all of our Branches and Committees, our Executive and Board, and all of you who participated in our activities. We have recruited more members, initiated more activities, and seen more people attend our events than ever before.

There are so many things I want to tell you about, but I will limit myself to just a few of the potentially most impactful – much more is available in my report to the AGM to be found on the website.

  • First, we have been granted observer positions (one NBSRT and one SERFNB) on the Group Insurance Trustees, which will add two more voices to those of the two current retired teacher voices and perspectives on the trustees.
  • Second, Johnson’s will include our registration information in their fall mailout to retirees and the Federation will provide iPads for a draw for one registrant from NBSRT and one from SERFNB.
  • Third, we achieved the 3000-member plateau goal that we set in the strategic plan. That number has fluctuated slightly due to the passing of over 100 members last year, but we did so well recruiting at the Retired Teachers’ Luncheon that I believe we are back above 3000 now.
  • Finally, most of you will have heard at your AGM’s that the NBSRT AGM passed a resolution to increase dues by $2 per month (one dollar for Branches and one dollar for NBSRT). We did not take this step without much deliberation. As a matter of fact, we deliberated for 3 years while we used our surplus to provide more money for Branches to re-establish popular programs and initiate new ones after the pandemic. We have not had a dues increase since 2007, and like everyone else we are feeling the pinch of many years of inflation. 

Those are just a few of the highlights of our activities this past year. You can see much more detail by visiting the Members Only section of our website and looking at the various reports to the AGM.

I will finish by thanking all of you for your hard work and support and by wishing Rod and his executive best wishes for a great couple of years. I will be happy to play a supportive role as Past President.

Thanks for Everything and take care.


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