
Contact Info

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Members of the Provincial Executive

Branch Directors

Group Insurance Committee

Committee Chair (Kathryn Dalling):  groupinsurancechair@nbsrt.org

On-Line Media Committee

Committee Chair (Dale MacRae): onlinemedia@nbsrt.org

Pension Committee

Committee Chair (Grant Hendry):  pensionchair@nbsrt.org

Wellness Committee

Committee Co-Chairs (Ann Kennedy / Garth Wade): wellnesschair@nbsrt.org

Reflections Correspondents

Co-Editors (Margie Cummings / Mary Hanson): reflectionseditor@nbsrt.org
Circulation Manager (Barrie Rigby): reflectionscirculation@nbsrt.org

Scholarship Committee

Committee Co-Chairs (Lynn Coy / Jill Craig): scholarshipschair@nbsrt.org

Membership Committee

Committee Chair (Rick Hayward): membershipchair@nbsrt.org
Membership Secretary (Colleen Forsythe): membershipsecretary@nbsrt.org

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